Criminal Justice Courses

100 Introduction to Criminal Justice (4)
Engages students in critical analysis of the criminal justice system in America. Emphasizes the investigation of social order and the notion of “justice” as defined by the various social institutions. Students explore the significance of law, state and property relations, and the administration of justice through police, the courts, and corrections. Offered every semester. Formerly CJ 205—Issues in Criminal Justice.

139 Crime and the Media (4)
This course is designed to make students critical observers in regard to the media and the representation of crime. Students will gain skills to determine what is accurate and what is exaggerated in the media representation of crime and criminal justice. Offered every other year.

210 Corrections (4)
Provides an appreciation of the processes and structures of corrections within an American and international framework. Examines historical, legal, economic, and sociological issues in maintaining control and order over those defined as criminal. Provides a critical examination of the concepts of punishment, deterrence, and rehabilitation. Prerequisite: CJ 100. Offered every fall.

215 Study Away in Criminal Justice (4)
Explores criminal justice topics and issues beyond the classroom. Students will travel to places where criminal justice institutions, events, and/or policies have influenced the field of criminal justice; for example, a trip to San Francisco to tour Alcatraz Island Prison. Prerequisite: consent. Offered intermittently.

222 Victimology (4)
A comprehensive understanding of victimization while also considering innovative strategies and applied solutions for victim-oriented services. Includes criminal victimization and its consequences, responses to victims of crime, and contemporary issues in victimology. Prerequisite: CJ 100. Offered fall of even-numbered years or intermittently.

235 Diversity and Society (4)
This course is an examination of race and ethnic relations in the United States through a sociological lens. Race and ethnicity are social constructions that vary based on time and place. The importance of diversity and inclusion have vast implications for our society. Offered every fall.

250 Topics in Criminal Justice (4)
A seminar addressing announced topics that may include public policy in criminal justice, controversial/debated laws in the U.S., taboo practices, understanding violence, murder, property crime, corruption, ethics, and more. May be repeated for credit as designated topics change. Prerequisite: sophomore status or consent. Offered intermittently.

260 Comparative Criminal Justice (4)
A presentation of the variety of ways criminal justice systems are organized and implemented around the world. The social, cultural, and political background of different systems of justice will be evaluated. Students will compare the criminal justice systems in the US with those of other countries. Prerequisite: CJ 100 or SOC 100 or SOC 270 or POLS 111. Offered intermittently.

266 Criminal Procedure (4)
The evolution and study of criminal procedure in the United States. The course will give an overview of the most common topics examined by appellate courts that pertain to criminal procedure, in particular, involving the behavior of law enforcement. Prerequisite: CJ 100. Offered intermittently.

290 Extreme Murder (4)
Studies serial homicides and investigates serial killers and mass murders. Students become knowledgeable of risk factors and basic theoretical explanations, and understand the impact of these rare events on society. Reviews response options for criminal justice professionals. Prerequisite: CJ 100. Offered intermittently.

300 Law Enforcement (4)
A critical exploration of law enforcement from an historical, sociological, and legal perspective. Race, social class, sexual orientation, and gender identities are considered in the context of occupational roles and community issues. Attention is given to viable problem-solving strategies for issues in law enforcement. Prerequisite: CJ 100 or 301. Offered fall of odd- numbered years.

301 Criminology (4)
A sociological view of crime and criminality. Socioeconomic, cultural, and biosocial processes are considered, as well as the criminal products of society. Topics include theories about the causation of crime, crime typologies, and patterns of crime and social injury. Prerequisite: CJ 100. Offered every spring.

310 Criminology of Genocide (4)
Focuses on genocide as a crime and introduces students to the criminological aspects of genocide in the international realm. This course is designed to use criminological writings to examine genocide and the response from the criminal justice system. Prerequisite: CJ 100, SOC 100, SOC 270 or POLS 111. Offered intermittently.

340 Forensic Accounting (4)
The application of accounting methods to assist in solving economic-based crimes. The course includes discussion of criminal statutes relating to financial crimes, fraud investigation and prevention, techniques used in solving financial crimes, and current issues in financial investigation. Prerequisite: MBE 203. Identical to MBE 340. Offered intermittently.

348 Delinquency and Juvenile Justice (4)
An examination of the nature and scope of delinquency and of factors contributing to delinquent behavior. The role of social agents and agencies in prevention and treatment is also examined. Prerequisites: Completion of at least two CJ courses. Offered intermittently.

350 Introduction to Social Research (4)
An examination of the logic, the strategies and the methods of sociological inquiry; an analysis of classical and contemporary models of research. A foundation course required for sociology majors. Prerequisite: junior/senior status. Identical to SOC 350. Offered every semester.

360 Courts in the American Criminal Justice System (4)
Examines the role of the American criminal courts in the broader context of the American legal system. Provides an overview of the organization of criminal courts in Federal and state jurisdictions. Examines the courts’ relationship to law enforcement and social control. Prerequisite: CJ 100. Offered spring of even-numbered years.

385 Applied Criminal Profiling (4)
Approaches criminal behavior as a complex phenomenon, moving beyond the abstract interpretation and suggestions of criminological theory into the real-life processes of criminal behavior. Examines and profiles the offender, victim, and situational elements surrounding the major forms of crime. Attention is given to the precipitating, attracting, and predisposing factors of criminal behavior and their levels of importance for respective cases. Prerequisite: CJ 301. Offered every spring.

387 Criminal Law (4)
An overview of the power and limits of government authority to define, prohibit, grade, and punish socially harmful behavior. Includes the nature of criminal law, classification of crimes and criminal liability, punishment, and more. Prerequisite: senior/junior status. Offered every semester.

388 Global Terrorism and Homeland Security (4)
An overview of the characteristics, causes and controls of global terrorism along with responses to it. Attention is given to counterterrorist responses, including U.S. Homeland Security. Prerequisites: two criminal justice courses. Offered fall of odd-numbered years.

389 Criminal Investigation (4)
An introduction to the general processes of criminal investigation that engages students’ critical analysis of how and why crimes are committed. Students learn basic investigation techniques and responsibilities. Prerequisite: two criminal justice courses. Offered every spring.

393 Technical Reporting in Law Enforcement (4) W
Focuses on the special needs of the criminal justice system with regard to technical report writing. Using police-oriented language and scenarios, students learn how to correctly structure reports for use in criminal investigations and in court. Prerequisites: successful completion of ENG 105 with a grade of C or higher and CJ 389 or consent; CJ 387 helpful.
Offered intermittently.

418 Family Violence (4) W
Examines the nature of family violence, risk factors related to violent victimization and perpetration, and outcomes associated with family violence. Further, it explores changes that have taken place in recognizing and responding to family violence situations. It also breaks down myths and examines family violence in special populations. Prerequisites: ENG 105 with a grade of C or higher and junior or senior status or consent. Identical to SOC 418. Offered intermittently.

420 Criminal Law: The Appellate Process (4) W
Provides students with an understanding of a criminal appeal. While reviewing an actual criminal trial transcript, students develop legal issues for an appeal, then prepare a legal brief for an appellate court’s review. Emphasizes the creation of a well-reasoned argument within the context of a legal brief. Prerequisites: successful completion of ENG 105 with a grade of C or higher, CJ 387, junior/senior status, and consent. Offered fall of odd-numbered years.

460 Readings in Criminal Justice (2 or 4)
Students select a topic concerning criminal justice theory or research, survey the relevant literature, and discuss their findings with their major professor. (Two or four semester hours depending on the scope of the project.) May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: prior consent of the project advisor. Offered every semester.

480 Senior Research Project (4) W
Students conduct a sociological research project of their own design, present the results in appropriate written form, and defend the effort in an oral examination. Research problems may focus on theoretical or empirical topics. Relevant methods may range from bibliographic search to field observation. Prerequisites: ENG 105 with a grade of C or higher, SOC/CJ 350, and junior/senior status. Identical to SOC 480. Offered every spring.

483 Internship Preparation Course (2)
Designed for students intending to participate in an internship for sociology or criminal justice credit. The process of selecting an internship site, completing applications and forms, and understanding the requirements set forth by the Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice can be overwhelming. Lectures and scenario training provide students with practical information that should be beneficial to students who desire an internship in SOC/CJ. Prerequisite: consent of internship director. Identical to SOC 483. Offered every fall.

484 Internship in Criminal Justice and Sociology (8)
Practiced, supervised experience in direct student learning in applied social settings. Students learn how acquired knowledge and research writing skills can be applied to the workplace. Practical and applied learning through student performance in the applied setting gives the student a “competitive edge” for future community/workplace contribution. Prerequisites: 18 hours of sociology or criminal justice and CJ 483 or SOC 483. Students must contact the department faculty to review full eligibility for this course. Identical to SOC 484. Offered every spring and summer.

488  Senior Capstone in Sociology/Criminal Justice (4)
By exploring a client-posed problem, students will synthesize and apply their previous work in the major to address a “real world” problem faced by an agency or organization. This course is designed to emphasize applied learning. This course is identical to SOC-488. Prerequisite(s): SOC 345 or CJ 301, SOC or CJ 350, and senior status, or consent. Offered in fall and spring semesters.