Major Requirements

Students majoring in political science complete 48 hours in specified course work. Drawing together ideas from economics, psychology, biology, sociology, philosophy, and history, the political science major complements the liberal arts cur ­ riculum. Students can choose to focus on public policy and administration, comparative politics, international relations, American government, pre-law, or can tailor their own unique study experience by selecting some combination of all five areas. Real-life international experiences with internship, study abroad, or simulations supple­ ment classroom study.

Major Requirements: Political Science (BA)

Course Number And Title

Sem. Hrs.

Introduction Courses

Select one of the following:
POLS 103: Global Realities
POLS 111: Introduction to Political Science


Political Theory

Select one of the following:
POLS 204: Introduction to Feminist Political Thought
POLS 205: Introduction to Political Theory
POLS 239: American Political Thought


Political Science subfields

POLS 206: Introduction to Comparative Politics
POLS 210: Introduction to International Relations
POLS 212: Introduction to American Government
POLS 265: Research Methods

Four electives, with at least 12 credits from 300+ level courses


POLS 239: American Political Thought
POLS 371: Constitutional Law I: The Federal System
POLS 372: Constitutional Law II: Substantive Rights
POLS 345: International Law and Organizations


Senior Integrative Experience

POLS 499:Senior Seminar

Total 44

*Electives are not applicable if the Pre-Law Track is chosen
* Pre-Law Track is not applicable if the Electives section is chosen

Minor Requirements: Political Science

Course Number And Title

Sem. Hrs.

Select one of the following:

POLS 103: Global Realities
POLS 111: Introduction to Political Science


Select one of the following:

POLS 205: Introduction to Political Theory
POLS 239: American Political Thought

Political Science Elective 4
Two Political Science electives at the 300/400 level 8
Total 20

Certificate Requirements: International Organization and Diplomacy

Course Number And Title

Sem. Hrs.

POLS 210: Introduction to International Relations 4
POLS 345: International Law and Organizations 4

Select one of the following:

POLS 347: Model United Nations
POLS 373: Conflict Management


Select one of the following:

POLS 240: Topics in International Organizations and Diplomacy
POLS 250: Introduction to International Political Economy
POLS 344: European Union in World Politics
POLS 348: International Human Rights
POLS 350: Immigration and Citizenship
POLS 453: Globalization and Its Discontents
POLS 440: American Foreign Policy

Total 16