Athletics Management Council

The purpose of the Athletics Management Council is to place appropriate emphasis on the role of athletics for an NCAA Division III university and to promote the welfare of student-athletes. The Council is charged with strategic oversight of all academic matters related to intercollegiate athletics and all policies that impact student-athlete academic success and welfare. The Council meets monthly or more frequently at the discretion of the President of the University. 

The Council oversees:

  • the academic integrity of Virginia Wesleyan University's intercollegiate athletics programs and its student-athletes;
  • academic-related NCAA and ODAC rule compliance; and
  • student-athlete welfare, particularly concerning academic success and career preparation.

The Council insures that Virginia Wesleyan University policies related are consistent with the academic mission of the University; maintains academic integrity and rules compliance; and promotes student-athlete academic success.

The Council serves in conjunction with the President to assure that the institutional control expected by the NCAA and the Board of Trustees is in place. The Council is tasked with providing advice and counsel to the president and the athletics director to insure academic integrity, academic rules compliance, and student-athlete welfare.

Faculty Athletics Representative (FAR)

The Faculty Athletics Representative (FAR) is recognized as the representative of Virginia Wesleyan University and its faculty in the relationship between the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), the Old Dominion Athletic Conference (ODAC), and the campus. The FAR represents VWU as a delegate to the annual NCAA convention and any other NCAA or ODAC meetings. In addition, the FAR serves on NCAA councils, cabinets, and committees as appointed. The FAR helps to interpret NCAA and ODAC legislation and policies, and is also empowered to assist in the preparation of, on behalf of VWU, any requests for waivers or appeals from such legislation or policy.

The Faculty Athletics Representative reports to the president on the academic well-being of student-athletes. The FAR has responsibility to ensure, either directly or indirectly, that student-athletes meet all NCAA, conference, and VWU requirements for eligibility to practice, financial aid, and intercollegiate competition. As FAR, the representative has the responsibility to monitor the student-athlete experience and be involved in the personal and academic welfare of the student-athletes. The FAR participates in the mandated exit interviews of graduating VWU student-athletes or reviews the results of such interviews with students. Such interaction provides insight into the student perceptions of the athletics program, including interactions with coaches and the operating policies at VWU. On the athletics side, the FAR works with the athletic director, and other athletic staff, to educate student-athletes about NCAA rules, and devise and implement compliance programs within the athletics department. The FAR’s typical activities include the coordination of the nominations process for NCAA and ODAC honors and postgraduate scholarships; administration of the coaches’ rules examination; and attendance at departmental senior staff and coaches’ meetings with Compliance.

The Faculty Athletics Representative meets regularly with the Director of Athletics and serves as the Senior Faculty Advisor on athletics to the President of Virginia Wesleyan University. The FAR serves as a channel of information between the faculty and administration and the athletics program; the FAR provides periodic reports to the Campus Affairs Committee of the Board of Trustees relating to matters of academic integrity, performance of student-athletes, rules compliance or violations, and other matters related to the athletics program. The FAR meets periodically with the Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC).

Key Responsibilities

  • Represent Virginia Wesleyan University to the NCAA and ODAC
  • Serve as delegate to NCAA meetings and conventions, as well as, NCAA councils, cabinets, and committees, as appropriate
  • Attends appropriate ODAC meetings
  • Be well versed and knowledgeable regarding NCAA or ODAC legislation and policies
  • Be knowledgeable about all institutional investigations, alleged violations, and student infractions
  • Assist in the preparation of any requests for waivers or appeals from NCAA or ODAC legislation or policy, including eligibility requirements and restoration
  • Be knowledgeable of all secondary and major violations to the NCAA
  • Administer the coaches’ rules examination
  • Serve as faculty advisor to the President regarding athletics
  • Establish solid working relationships with the director of athletics, compliance coordinator, vice president for enrollment, registrar and director of financial aid
  • Develop a comprehensive plan for the institutional control of intercollegiate athletics (with the President and Athletics Director), and ensure that appropriate and explicit assignments of both responsibility and authority are made
  • Assist in preparing VWU’s self-study report
  • Be visible to the student-athletes – Monitor the student-athlete experience and be involved in personal and academic welfare of the students
  • Participate in orientation activities
  • In conjunction with the Director of Athletics and the Compliance Director, ensure that student-athletes understand and meet all NCAA, ODAC requirements for eligibility to practice, financial aid, and intercollegiate competition
  • Establish oversight of academic eligibility decisions
  • Conduct or review a portion of exit interviews with student-athletes
  • Report to the faculty and administration periodically about the academic wellbeing of student-athletes, performance, rules or compliance violations, and other matters related to the athletics program
  • Attend periodically the departmental senior staff and coaches’ meetings
  • Be active in working with Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC)

Council Members 2024-2025

Scott D. MillerPresident of the University (Chair)
Andrea Hoover-Erbig, Executive Director for Intercollegiate Athletics
Jill Sturts, Assistant Professor of Sport and Recreation Professions/NCAA Faculty Athletic Representative
Everett McCloskey '25, Men's Soccer, Student Representative
Julia Hathaway '26, Women's Track and Field, Student Representative